About the Panel
About the Consumer Panel
The SLCC Consumer Panel is an independent advisory panel, set up to assist the SLCC in understanding and taking account of the interests of consumers of legal services. This includes providing feedback to the SLCC, from a consumer viewpoint, on the effectiveness of policies and procedures.
This can include:
- Making recommendations on how the SLCC can improve policies and processes
- Suggesting topics for research connected to legal consumers
- Expressing a view on matters relating to the SLCC’s functions such as consultations
You can find out more about the Consumer Panel here including why it's needed and which organisations are represented on it.
Why is it needed?
The SLCC is an independent and impartial body. It engages regularly with the Law Society of Scotland and the Faculty of Advocates who both represent and regulate the profession. The SLCC also has to consult with these organisations when making changes to its rules. The Consumer Panel is there to be a representative voice on behalf of consumers.
The SLCC worked with the Scottish Government to amend the legislation that set it up, the 2007 Act, to create the Consumer Panel. This ensures it will be a permanent part of what the SLCC does.