SLCC requires four new Board Members
The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission requires 1 lawyer and 3 lay (that is non-lawyer) members to become part of our Board with effect from February 2011. The successful candidates will be appointed by Scottish Ministers in consultation with the Lord President of the Court of Session.
Remuneration: £209 per day. Travel and subsistence costs and reasonable receipted childcare and dependent carer expenses directly related to the Commission's work will be reimbursed.
Term of appointment: 5 years.
Time commitment: Up to 6 days per month. Around one third of the time spent on the governance work of the Board and two thirds on complaints.
Location of meetings: Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, The Stamp Office, 10-14 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG.
For full details and an application pack, go to the Scottish Government website at:
Alternatively, application packs can be obtained by contacting the address below giving your name, address and the appointment you are interested in.
Scottish Government,
Human Resources Shared Service Centre (Public Appointments)
Saughton House (E1 spur)
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD
Freephone: 0800 015 8449
Fax: 0131 244 3833
Applications can be returned by post or emailed to:
Appointments to the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland. All applicants must complete and submit the application form contained in the application pack in order to be considered for appointment. Please note that application forms sent electronically will be in Word format and, if returning electronically, will only be accepted in that format.