SLCC seeks intelligence on the impact of COVID on the legal sector
The SLCC wants to understand the likely changes to the shape and health of the legal services sector, and the impact that might have on incoming complaint numbers. This insight will be used to inform the SLCC’s planning and budgeting processes.
Vicky Crichton, Director of Public Policy, said “We’ve already seen helpful data and insight emerge, including from surveys by the Law Society of Scotland and others, on the impact of Covid-19 on the sector. This helps us to track the likely shifts in the shape and health of the sector and predict any consequent impact on complaint numbers.”
“We’ve already seen that the impact of Covid-19, and the associated restrictions on business varies across the legal services sector, and will likely change over time as restrictions and support alter. We’re looking for further insight to help us add to that developing picture. Our planning and forecasting depend on gaining the best information possible from the sector and sector bodies to anticipate what demand for the statutory complaints process will be.”
“This intelligence will inform our consultation early next year on detailed budgets and plans, and help to ensure we can deliver the service complainers and the profession rightly expect, while avoiding unnecessary regulatory costs.”
The SLCC welcomes any data or insight that the sector can share. Full details of the questions we are looking to answer are attached.
You can feed back to us in three ways:
• Email us at:
• Complete this short survey:
• If you are responding as or on behalf of a group/ association/ faculty we would be happy to convene a virtual meeting by video call for your members – let us know by email at