Our customer service and accessibility
“Good customer experience is at the heart of how we design and deliver services, and feedback drives our improvement work.”
- SLCC Strategy, 2020-24
In the first year of our strategy, we laid the groundwork for this with a number of key projects and initiatives.
We started a two year ‘Delivering Clarity’ project to review and redevelop our communications at all stages of our process. This was something that we had previously received feedback on from our Board, Consumer Panel and individuals who have used our service.
Alongside this work, we trained all staff on effective writing with a focus on clarity and plain English, and introduced a digital proofing tool to support this.
We launched our Service Experience Team, a cross section of staff with a commitment to customer service. They will be working in all areas of our business to ensure we are listening to users and acting on their feedback about how we deliver our services.
We’ve also been considering how we can make and keep our service as accessible as possible. This is why we have produced our annual report in html format for the first time this year. We were also aware that if we only focused on digital accessibility, we might be excluding those who don’t have the skills, tools or confidence to access online-only services. Because of this we’ve developed a guide on digital exclusion for our staff, along with a checklist so we can review digital exclusion in all our improvement projects.