Q1 20-21
Category |
Number |
Number of new complaints | 252 |
Number of closed complaints | 269 |
Accepted at eligibility | 91 |
Rejected at elgibility | 39 |
Resolved at eligibility | 50 |
Discontinued or Withdrawn at eligibility | 10 |
Mediated | 22 |
Resolved without mediation | 5 |
Settled on report | 15 |
Settled outside report | 31 |
Withdrawn/Discontinued | 8 |
Upheld at Determination | 2 |
Part upheld at Determination | 5 |
Not Upheld at Determination | 15 |
New complaints received
The new complaints received is based on complaint forms received. Sometimes it is adjusted when a single complaint form needs split into multiple complaint forms. (Each complaint must be against a single firm and each complaint is assessed separately for impact on complainer and what redress they should receive).
Complaints closed
This covers complaints closed at all stages. It includes complaints that are closed which might reopen in future.
Accepted complaints closed by stage
This only includes accepted service or hybrid complaints. It does not include complaints that are closed at prematurity stage, accepted as conduct only, rejected or resolved before a decision to accept or reject.
Eligibility outcomes
This includes all complaints closed at the eligibility assessment stage of our process.
The accepted category includes complaints accepted for investigation as conduct, service or hybrid.
The resolved category includes complaints resolved by the actions of an SLCC investigator before a formal decision to accept or reject the complaint. This includes where the complainer agrees or doesn’t respond to the investigators initial view on the complaint.
The discontinued/withdrawn category includes complaints closed by the SLCC due to lack of response from the complainer or withdrawn by the complainer before a formal decision to accept or reject the complaint.
The rejected complaints includes complaints that are outside the SLCC’s time limits without exceptional reasons, ‘frivolous, vexatious or totally without merit’, a combination of both of these or another reject reason.
Mediation outcomes
The mediation outcomes are split between complaints settled by a formal mediation meeting and complaints settled by facilitation at the mediation stage.
Investigation outcome
The investigation outcomes includes complaints that were ‘settled by report’ when both parties agreed with the investigation report recommendations.
It also includes settlements facilitated ‘outside report’ between the parties. Either before the investigation report or after the investigation report on different terms.
Finally, some complaints are withdrawn by the complainer at investigation or discontinued by the SLCC due to lack of response from the complainer.
Determination outcomes
The determination outcomes are the decisions made by our board members, acting as commissioners in a committee of three.