Faculty of Advocates trends analysis and audits
2024 review of Faculty conduct complaint process
In 2024 we carried out a review of the Faculty of Advocates' conduct complaint handling process. We made a number of observations on the transparency and complexity of the process and made five recommendations for improvement.

2016- Faculty of Advocates Benchmarking Audit
Aim and scope of audit :
A review of the Faculty of Advocate’s systems for dealing with conduct complaints and its current Disciplinary Rules, which govern the complaints handling process.
Formal recommendations: none
Issues identified by SLCC:
- Publish disciplinary findings on the Faculty’s website;
- Advertise the dates of disciplinary tribunal hearings on the Faculty’s website; and
- Put in place regular complaints handling training for advocates.
Faculty of Advocate’s response:
The Faculty reflected on best practice in complaints handling and strives to continuously improve the way in which those matters are dealt with.
Final Report:
- Prepare and promote a set of consumer-friendly Service Standards for Advocates;
- Create and publicise guidance and/or a tariff regarding the application of disciplinary sanctions;

Next Steps:
All outstanding issues will be revisited with a view to an update being published by the SLCC
2017- Faculty of Advocates Benchmarking audit update
Aim and scope of update:
Both the SLCC and the Faculty of Advcoates agreed that the outstanding issues emanating from the original review would be revisited, with the view to publishing an update.
Published updated:

2019- Faculty of Advocates Benchmarking audit update
Aim and scope of update:
An update audit, to follow up on the suggestions made previously and to monitor progress of the changes to the Rules.
Published updated: