Research & trends in practice
As part of its oversight role the SLCC monitors complaints and identifies trends in practice, in relation to how practitioners deal with complaints and the subject of those complaints. This includes undertaking research. Using this information, we issue guidance and best practice notes to the profession on how to deal with complaints and how to prevent common issues from arising in the first place.
Trends in practice
- five years on - facts and figures – Report analysing five years of legal complaints data between 2008-2013. The report includes information on areas of legal work that attracts most complaints; the most common types of complaints; and how complaint trends have changed over time.
TNS BMRB produced two reports following research commissioned by the SLCC. Specifically, the research looked at complaint numbers and the methods adopted by practitioners (both solicitors and advocates) in how they handle complaints made against them.

Report on Complaint Numbers and Complaint Handling amongst Scottish Legal Firms
Download Report on Complaint Numbers and Complaint Handling amongst Scottish Legal Firms PDF

Report on Complaint Numbers and Complaint Handling amongst Scottish Advocates
Download Report on Complaint Numbers and Complaint Handling amongst Scottish Advocates PDF