Information available via our website is free to download. If you request information under FOISA, the SLCC may charge you for it.
Our charges for FOISA requests are based on estimated costs of staff time to locate and retrieve information, plus any costs associated with putting the information into a particular format, copying and postage costs. We do not charge for the time taken to determine whether we hold the information requested, or the time it takes to decide whether the information can be released. The charge for supplying information is:
- Free for the first £100 - the requestor may be asked to pay copying charges
- Over £100 - the requestor will be charged 10% of the SLCC costs and copying charges
- Over £600 - the SLCC does not have to supply the information
In calculating any fee, staff time will be calculated to a maximum £15 per person per hour. The standard charge for photocopying is 10p per A4 sheet. Any documents which require specialist copying or printing will be charged at cost to the SLCC.
We will always tell you if there is likely to be a charge before we provide the information.
All fees are to be paid in advance. We will issue a fees notice to the requestor explaining how the fee has been calculated. The SLCC is not obliged to provide any information until the fee is paid.
The SLCC FOISA charging follows the guidance of the Scottish Information Commissioner, available here.