Freedom of Information: Exemptions
We will be as open as possible and aim to supply the information asked for whenever we can. However, information may be withheld where we consider that the disclosure may fall within one of the exemptions contained in FOISA.
Information which is exempt from disclosure under FOISA includes information which is personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998. It is important to keep a balance between public access to information and the privacy rights of individuals. Authorities which hold personal information have responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998 and may be committing an offence if they give out personal information to other people.
Section 26 of FOISA provides that information the disclosure of which is prohibited by any other act is exempt. This applies to the SLCC because Section 43 of our governing legislation, the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007 restricts us from disclosing information about complaints except in certain circumstances.
If any of the information you have requested is withheld under FOISA we will write and explain which exemptions have been applied and our reasons. Even where an exemption exists, wherever possible we will provide copies of documents with the exempted information edited out (this editing is often referred to as 'redacting' or 'redacted information').