Amir's story
I’ve been living and working in Glasgow for years but after getting some correspondence from the Home Office about my family’s leave to remain in the UK, I decided it was a good idea to appoint a solicitor to deal with things on my behalf - just to be on the safe side. There shouldn’t have been any issues with our status, but I wanted to make sure everything was done properly. Unfortunately, the firm made a number of mistakes with the paperwork as well as missing deadlines. Despite my complaints, they didn’t seem to understand the gravity of it and weren’t taking any urgent steps to sort out the mess. That’s why I contacted the SLCC.
We wrote to both parties and offered them mediation. After lengthy discussions, Amir and his solicitor decided that the firm would write to the Home Office to try to resolve the issue. In recognition of the additional costs incurred by the Amir, the firm also agreed to pay some compensation.