Further information
This section has more detailed information on various aspects of making your complaint including how to make a 'handling complaint', information on our time limits and third party complaints.
Time limits
The time limits which apply depend on the type of complaint you are making.
Third Party Complaints
You can make a complaint about a practitioner who did not act for you.
Complaining to a lawyer
Download a template letter to help write a letter of complaint to your lawyer or firm.
Need advice?
We are unable to provide legal advice but we can point you in the right direction.
Complaint forms
If you don't want to use the online complaint form, you can download a complaint form, print it, complete it and return it to us.
Fees and billing
People sometimes contact us because they are unhappy about a fee - there is some useful information about fees and billing in this section.
My lawyer has gone out of business
Find out what impact this could have on your complaint.