Complaint template letters
You can copy and paste the template complaint text below into an email or letter of complaint to a lawyer or firm. Alternately, you can download and edit the Word file under the text by clicking on the icon.
If you're writing to a lawyer or firm who didn't work for you, read the extra information at the bottom of this page.
Include your address, email address or phone number.
Send your letter or email to the Client Relations Manager of the firm.
Include today’s date.
Include the heading/subject line:
'Formal complaint against [name of lawyer or legal firm]
[Identify who is making the complaint and the lawyer/firm you are complaining about.]
I am writing personally [AND/OR on behalf of Mr/Ms……] to make a formal complaint against [name of lawyer]
[Briefly say what you asked them to do. Examples might be - to sell a house / deal with my divorce / defend me in a court case brought by another person.]
- On [date] I / [name of the person on whose behalf you’re sending the letter] asked the lawyer to help me to:
[You might find it easiest to use bullet points to set out all the points you’re unhappy about. Provide as many dates and examples as you can.]
I don’t feel this was done properly because:
- Examples might be - they delayed in carrying out my requests / didn’t keep me advised / made a mistake.
[Set out the effect and provide any supporting evidence.]
This affected me because:
- Examples might include - the delay cost me the sale / I wasn’t made aware of the costs / I had to pay to correct the mistake.
[Set out what you’d like to see happen.]
To put this right, I would like the lawyer or firm to:
- Examples might be - to apologise / to complete the work / to pay compensation of £x / to reduce the fee
You can contact me at the phone number / email / address at the top of this letter if you need further information.
Please respond to my complaint within 28 days.
Yours sincerely
[Print your name (and sign, if you are sending a letter) here]
If the lawyer didn't work for you
If your complaint is about a lawyer who didn't work for you, you'll need to make sure that your email or letter covers:
- Who they were working for and how you were involved
- How this affected you
- How they could put things right
Find out more about third party complaints.