Make a handling complaint
Make a handling complaint
Complete the online handing complaint form.
We have a word version you can download, or you can contact us to ask us to send you a form by email or post a paper copy to you.
Information you'll need
You will need to be able to tell us the date of the professional organisation’s decision letter. We also need a brief description of why you are unhappy with how the complaint has been dealt with and how it has affected you.
You don’t need to send us any other documents at this stage. We will ask for more information if we need it once your complaint has been received and processed.
What happens now?
We will let you know if your handling complaint is one the SLCC can investigate.
If it is, we will send a copy of your handling complaint to the professional organisation and ask for any comments and its file on the complaint. We will also send a copy of your handling complaint to the other party to the original complaint. They can also comment on your handling complaint.