SLCC report on engagement with the profession
As well as dealing with complaints, the SLCC provides a best practice service for legal practitioners. Today the organisation has published details of its engagement with the profession over the past year.
New SLCC office address
The SLCC is moving office. From 4 September its new address will be Scottish Legal Complaints Commission, Capital Building, 12-13 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AF. The organisation’s email addresses, phone numbers and DX number are unchanged.
SLCC back in court with solicitor weeks after previous contempt case
The SLCC has today lodged a petition, against a solicitor the court has already found in contempt of court earlier this year, for again failing to provide a file to the SLCC.
Bill proposals represent a “significant step forward” for complaints and regulation
The SLCC has welcomed the proposed reform of the complaints and regulation system in its response to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee’s call for evidence on the Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill.