Rules, policies and publications
Here you can find important technical information about the SLCC and our complaints process.
We aim to be transparent in providing information about the SLCC. If you can't find the information you're looking for, you can:
make a freedom of information request.
If you are looking for information which is no longer on our website, older versions (2018-onwards) are archived as part of the National Records of Scotland web archive.
Public Services Reform Act
Sections 31 and 32 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 imposes new duties on the Scottish Government and listed public bodies to publish information on the following types...
Risk Management Policy
This document sets out the SLCC’s policy on the management of risk.
Scheme of Delegation
This document sets out who in the SLCC has the power to take certain decisions. It covers decisions relating to complaints as well as wider operational decisions.
Staff Code of Conduct
Our staff code of conduct sets out the standards of conduct our staff must follow.
The SLCC's Governance Arrangements
This document details the governance arrangements and the key operational and financial control procedures of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission.
Trade Union Facilitation Time
The SLCC recognises the benefits of a positive and open relationship with our recognised trade union
Law Society of Scotland consultation on price transparency
We are grateful for the opportunity to respond to the Law Society of Scotland’s consultation on price transparency. Issues around pricing occur frequently in complaints made to us. We have...
Law Society of Scotland consultation on Principles and Outcomes Focused Regulation
We welcome the Law Society of Scotland opening up the debate on the future of solicitor regulation in Scotland. We agree that there are lessons to be learned from other...
May 2020 - Developing Scotland’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy consultation
The SLCC welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on The AI of The Possible: Developing Scotland’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)