Rules, policies and publications
Here you can find important technical information about the SLCC and our complaints process.
We aim to be transparent in providing information about the SLCC. If you can't find the information you're looking for, you can:
make a freedom of information request.
If you are looking for information which is no longer on our website, older versions (2018-onwards) are archived as part of the National Records of Scotland web archive.
Biodiversity Reporting
The SLCC, as a public body, is required under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act (2004) and the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act (2011) to work in a responsible way...
Board member expenses
The SLCC is committed to the principles of openness and transparency and has published a record of SLCC Board Members expenses here.
Board Standing Orders
This document sets out how our board should operate.
Commissioners Payments and Reimbursement of Expenses Scheme
This document sets out the process for the remunerations and expenses our board members receive.
Gender Representation on Public Boards
The SLCC, as a public body, is required under the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 to publish a report on the carrying out of our functions under...
Gifts & Hospitality Registers
The SLCC is committed to the principles of openness and transparency and has published the hospitality registers for both SLCC Board Members and its staff here. These will be updated...
Members' Code of Conduct
The Members' Code of Conduct sets out a code of conduct that our board members must comply with. It is developed from the Scottish Government's Model code of conduct for...
Public Services Reform Act
Sections 31 and 32 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 imposes new duties on the Scottish Government and listed public bodies to publish information on the following types...
Risk Management Policy
This document sets out the SLCC’s policy on the management of risk.
Scheme of Delegation
This document sets out who in the SLCC has the power to take certain decisions. It covers decisions relating to complaints as well as wider operational decisions.
Staff Code of Conduct
Our staff code of conduct sets out the standards of conduct our staff must follow.