Rules, policies and publications
Here you can find important technical information about the SLCC and our complaints process.
We aim to be transparent in providing information about the SLCC. If you can't find the information you're looking for, you can:
make a freedom of information request.
If you are looking for information which is no longer on our website, older versions (2018-onwards) are archived as part of the National Records of Scotland web archive.
Our Rules
The Rules aim to provide the SLCC with control over the procedure for resolution. They should be read along with the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007 ....
This manual is an internal document that sets out the policies and procedures our staff will usually follow in dealing with complaints made to us about legal practitioners. However, all...
Previous versions of Rules
Most complaints will be dealt with under the latest version of our Rules.
If your complaint was made before 1st April 2023, you'll find the Rules that apply below.
Updated SLCC Rules from 1 April 2023
The SLCC will implement updated Rules from 1 April 2023 . Our current Rules were last updated in 2016, and we are required to keep them under review, so an...